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  • Are there any side effects of treatment?
    When electrolysis is performed correctly by a skilled electrologist it is perfectly safe. On a first appointment it is important for the salon/clinic to complete a full consultation checking all medical history for any reason why a treatment can not be performed. Following a treatment the electrologist will go through the aftercare advice and apply a soothing aftercare gel. It's important for the client to follow the advice to prevent any unwanted reaction.
  • Do you have unwanted hair?
    Unwanted hair is a common problem affecting most women to varying degrees throughout their lives and promoting the use of various temporary methods of hair reduction or hair management systems. However electrolysis is still the only proven permanent method of hair removal and many women and indeed many men, have benefitted from this tried and trusted treatment.
  • Does electrolysis hurt?
    Electrolysis can be a little uncomfortable for many people but others can fall asleep during treatment. During an electrolysis treatment a tiny sterile probe is introduced into the opening of the hair follicle. A small burst of energy is released at the base of the follicle and a sensation will be experienced like a tingle, heat or a minor sting. Everyone has their own individual pain threshold which can be affected by a number of factors: 1) Individual pain thresholds - this can be affected by health, stress, time of menstruation etc 2) Area to be treated 3) Strength and size of hair 4) Skin sensitivity 5) Type of current used One thing that you can depend on is electrolysis works - so any minor discomfort is well worth the result.
  • How does electrolysis compare to Laser or IPL hair removal?
    Electrolysis remains the only method allowed by the Beauty Industry's Governing Bodies to claim that it offers 'permanent' hair removal. It is also defined in the BMA's 'Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia' as the only means of permanent removal. First invented in 1875 and initially used for ingrowing eyelashes by ophthalmologist Charles E Michel, it has progressed a long way in over a century with ongoing improvements and modern technology it is a safe, comfortable, effective treatment still very much in demand with clients today. Nearly all areas of the body and types of hair can be successfully treated. Laser and IPL alongside social convention, pressure and expectations have resulted in more varied treatment areas being presented to the electrologist. Laser/IPL with their capability of treating large areas has resulted in electrolysis now being utilised to complete these treatments where laser/IPL is unable to finish the job. In fact electrolysis, laser and IPL work hand in hand for the benefit of the client. Often white hairs remain after laser or IPL and electrologists can successfully remove these where laser and IPL can not. Any laser or IPL operator who is trained as an electrologist has an advantage as her underpinning knowledge regarding the skin and hair is second to none. She also has the advantage of being able to use each method, for the benefit of the client, either individually or combined.
  • How hygienic is the treatment?
    Sterex sterile disposable probes are used to totally eliminate any risk of cross infection. For each client a brand new sterile probe is used and you will usually see the individually packed sterile probe being opened in front of you. Electrolysis is offered by most Beauty Salons and Clinics of today as a safe, effective, comfortable treatment for every client with varying hair growths.
  • How long does a typical treatment last?
    For electrolysis there is no 'typical' treatment as all clients are treated as individuals. Treatments can vary from a short 15 minute appointment up to 2-3 hours+ depending upon the area being treated. All treatment planning will be discussed on the day of the consultation. During your consultation you are encouraged to ask as many questions as possible so you are informed correctly about your course of treatments.
  • How much does an electrolysis treatment cost?
    This can vary depending upon location of the salon/clinic and the experience of the electrologist. Prices can range from £1-2+ per minute. Reductions if booking 1 hour or more on treatment courses are often available.
  • How will my skin look following an electrolysis treatment?
    Immediately after an electrolysis treatment it is normal for the skin to be sensitised with a pink appearance. This reaction is temporary and should return to normal within 24 hours. Following the treatment an after care product will be applied to calm and soothe the area protecting it from an unwanted reaction. Sterex strongly recommend aftercare products are purchased to continue the good work as home care.
  • Is electrolysis safe?
    Electrolysis was first invented in 1875 and is proven both effective and totally safe. Advancing technology has meant electrolysis has become more gentle and comfortable, even more effective and remains an affordable, modern treatment increasingly popular today. Equally effective as a stand alone treatment, or as part of a programme of support for hair management systems such as IPL or laser, electrolysis will work for you.
  • What actually happens in an electrolysis treatment?
    A very fine disposable sterile needle or probe, about the size of a small eyelash, is introduced into the individual hair follicle to the correct depth and a small amount of current is released. This eventually destroys the root of the hair by cutting off the blood supply which feeds the hair, starving it of nourishment and nutrients. As a result of this the hair becomes finer with often lighter hair growth and the eventual demise of the hair. The ability of the hair follicle to produce a hair is destroyed rather than the hair itself.
  • What is advanced electrolysis? Is it better than electrolysis?
    Advanced electrolysis uses the same tools and equipment as electrolysis but the procedure is slightly different. Electrolysis, or epilation, treats unwanted hair. Advanced electrolysis (aka Advanced Cosmetic Procedures or ACP) successfully treats thread veins, skin tags, milk spots, blood spots, various warts, moles and other unwanted skin lesions. Qualified electrologists or medical practitioners can train to offer ACP.
  • What is the Blend method?
    The Blend method of electrolysis uses both a high frequency and direct current. Both currents travel down to the base of the follicle via a very fine sterile disposable probe (similar size to a small eyelash). The insertion does not penetrate the skin as the follicle is an opening in the skin which houses the hair. The small probe is introduced alongside the hair and stops at the bottom of the follicle. The current is released for 5 seconds like a short burst of energy. This method is often reported to be the most comfortable and the most effective.
  • What is the Short Wave Diathermy method?
    Short Wave Diathermy is a method of electrolysis using a high frequency current. The current travels down to the base of the follicle via a very fine short sterile disposable probe (similar size to a small eyelash). The insertion does not penetrate the skin as the follicle is an opening in the skin which houses the hair. The small probe is introduced alongside the hair and stops at the bottom of the follicle. The current is released like a short burst of energy in the form of warmth. The benefits of this method are: quickness and suitable for all skin types (except pigmented skins).
  • What will happen on the first appointment?
    You will have a thorough consultation to ensure if treatment is suitable for you and which method is best for you. You will have a chance to ask questions about the treatment and to experience a ‘taster’ session. Your therapist will discuss with you a ‘treatment plan’. Following this initial consultation you should be able to decide if and when you would like treatment to commence.
  • Why is it necessary to commit to a course of treatments?
    Each hair requires more than one treatment because each individual hair has its own growing cycle and blood supply. Electrolysis works by weakening the hair and eventually destroying it. Courses of treatment are therefore imperative. Results take a little more time, similar to dieting it's not the crash diet but the healthy eating plan that works in the long run.
  • Will all the hair present be removed during my treatment?
    The amount of hair present, the skin type and the density of the hair growth affects the amount of hair that will be treated on the day. If the hairs are sparse they can be treated in one treatment. The amount of hairs that require treatment will affect how long the appointment is scheduled for. E.g. if the client has several hairs on the jaw line that are quite spaced out it will probably be a 10-15 minute appointment and all hairs will be treated. If the hair is dense in a small area on the corners of the top lip it may still be a 10-15 minute appointment but to avoid over treatment not all hairs can be removed. The skin will be sensitive following a treatment and therefore to allow the skin to heal naturally not all hairs in one area are treated. The client can return in the week, depending upon healing rate, to have the remaining hairs removed. All this will be discussed on the initial consultation when you and the electrologist agree on a treatment plan.
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Main location weekly

 1 Addison Road,  Urmston Manchester M41 9BG



Monthly clinic every  2nd Saturday 

Room 1, within Acuhealth Clinic, 52-54 Washway Road,  Sale,  Cheshire M33 7Q

© 2023 Bali Whispers Electrolysis

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